I have had my stuff taken down since last week. I brought it all downstairs (where I do most of my childcare), and that is where it has been. Since then. It needs to go into the forbidden room (forbidden to anyone but me and a few close pals, and gives me panic attacks, so I should stay out too! lol), but I haven't had time to pick up the totes that Nathan "was helping" me with that got dumped and don't want to deal with it. The Christmas stuff goes above those shelves and well, ughhh... One more thing...
God bless the bestie (a bestie: an amazing friend; one of a good handful of Godsent friends that will be honest with you, no matter what you might think, they are invested in you, and are worth pouring your life back into theirs, that will listen to you speak truth right back to them and knows in a real friendship, there is no room for conflict) that told me I was a perfectionist. I know you are laughing, but not as hard as I did! She also confirmed I was a bit of a control freak but told me not to worry, she was too.. Love her!!! ;) I was now choking on 2 realities at that point.. YIKES!! She added that was part of why we were such good friends, we are quite alike. I think she's amazing, so I'll take that as a compliment, I guess.. lol She went on to explain that the controlling aspect and perfectionism really go hand in hand. Controller: Wants to be the one to do it on your time. Perfectionist: Wants to do it right so that it is not a waste of time, so if it can't be done perfect the 1st time, push it back in the box, closet, bag, shelf, etc.. ( you get the point!) until you can do it right. ;) Problem with that? I am so busy ALL of the time that this frequently, ok, daily, causes a conflict! And the result? THE FORBIDDEN ROOM! ;)
Skill I'm working on? Relaxing the perfection and loosening the control. I walk down today to realize this weekend other things (good things) took precedence over the basement, so this spot got ignored, again (because I couldn't do it all at once, the way I wanted to do it). This morning I got up (with time to pray, get in the word and make pancakes that I later was told looked like ta ta's.. not snowmen...lol)... (bunnytrails, another reason I am so terrible at task completion! lol) and made a list of what had to get done in the downtime of naps.. It went like this 1) PUT THE CHRISTMAS STUFF AWAY ALREADY 2)don't look at the other stuff in the room 3)maybe do some laundry 4)PUT THE CHRISTMAS STUFF AWAY FOR REALS!
I was so sad I hadn't done it over the weekend, because we really needed that space for a full part of our obstacle course since it didn't get above 10 degrees today (no outside battery wear down time). I always set up an good energy burning course of cold and snowy days but need all my space. I started on it when that last baby crashed out... No sooner did I open the door that lil small fry started whining she could hear me.. No go for naptime. Not sure what I did, oh I do know, I had a divine moment with an awesome young lady who has a huge God shaped hole in her heart. He had other plans apparently. ALWAYS JUMP ON THOSE MOMENTS!!! There are no accidents with Him in your life!
I started on it as soon as they were waking up and eating snack. I put it all away in about 25 minutes. That included reorganizing the shelves and running back and forth to the snack table. I of course did not complete this before 2 of the parents saw the forbidden room.... UGGHHH!!! Totally embarrassing, but hey, I was doing it, and it's getting better, so I have chinks.. Don't we all?? I ignored the other stuff, just like I knew I had to (it killed me to not hop on that bunny trail, but I told myself, there is tomorrow at naptime, and I will leave the door open before everyone lays down tomorrow! ;0) ). I have always set myself up for failure.. Planning a huge project, but forgetting my life is full of delays, and sidetracks. So I start a project, life happens, I can't get it done the way I want so I throw it back on the pile.. WELL, I USED TO! I told myself no more than 30-45 at a time no matter what, even if it meant a coffee break! :) And no more guilt trips on myself either!
Great day! Took it all in stride... Can't wait for tomorrow!
Cracked up!
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