Am thankful that at times, fragments have been lost and not glued back on... On this latest fall from the shelf, a piece was left on the ground, and I was able to look at it. I'll name this piece, control freakish. I picked it back up, some chunks were missing this time, so it was easier to recognize. I've always felt it on me, but didn't want to acknowledge it's presence. ESPECIALLY TO DH! He's pointed it out for years. I've been floating on the "de-nial" long enough. I see it for what it is and can understand why I possess it. I can't wait to buff it and make it useful again, and stick it back on to serve a greater purpose! I hope it has a purpose anyways! I'm not ready to rid it forever, yet.. lol There's gotta be a use for such a tenacious trait right???
I want to do it all! I want to be a great wife, a great mom, a great provider, a great friend, and to be God's favorite!! Sometimes it is hard to get it all done. I vocalize it all the time that it is a delusion when people say things like "you are supermom" or any thing of the like, that I am not. That they are seeing things. But I can't get away from the guilt in my own heart for failing to meet my own expectations, let alone anyone else's. I love to do so many things but don't have the 1st clue how to do it all, well. For those of you who still have any notion that I might be some some sort of supermom, I'm sorry to let you down... You can now forgive yourself for not being so awesome! ;) lol I, myself, fall flat on the ole' face frequently, and I have to do a lot out of necessity alone, let alone out of wants. I wish I could I could give you so many visuals on what an unintentional faker I am! lol But, for now, I'll keep you in the dark about a few things!
I think the pic is quite hysterical... Frizz control and Straightener.. Frizz.. I'm adopting that word to overtake CHAOS.. It's way more my style and kind of sassy.. Like me... ;) lol And the straightener part, well that's where I'm headed! Perfect!!!
superglued and loved by the King, (as you are too!)-
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